How to uninstall PDFSpark

The main characteristics of the PDFSpark virus

PDFSpark is yet another dubious search engine that you should stay clear of. Thus, if you have experienced such behavior make sure to terminate the malicious application because it is only capable of causing significant disruptions every single time you decide to surf the web. If you ignore it, you will not be able to get reliable search results, you will risk to get numerous infections and you may even have some issues with your privacy. Beware that PDFSpark  Once it applies such changes, it replaces your homepage with PDFSpark page and starts to observe what you do on the Internet. PDFSpark is a browser hijacker, seizing browsers’ settings and holding them captive until users remove all traces of an intrusive parasite.

Let’s discuss the main elements of PDFSpark domain. That’s because even though it does have the official website, usually it infiltrates computers via software packages. Manual removal guide is provided below this article. If PDFSpark has already been installed on your computer and has replaced your start page, the default search engine, the new tab page and other settings on each of web browsers, you should never ignore this. Whether or not these search tools will ever provide you with useful search results is unknown, but it is unlikely that you can trust PDFSpark even if it does present links.

How can PDFSpark hijack my computer?

The other possibility is that you computer had already been infected with adware and that generated the corrupted pop-up ad, which you clicked on and downloaded a malicious bundle. You can also infect your computers with the help of other adware-type programs. It really seems that it is not a big deal to reveal the aforementioned details; STOPzilla or Anti-Malware Tool.    Besides, you should uncheck these check marks that claim that you want to change your start page and the default search engine. For example, you may be requested to fill in some questionnaire in order to have a chance to win some mobile device.

We have found that this hijacker has its own dedicated browser extension named Book My Flight. Having in mind that this browser hijacker spreads in one pack with various browser helper objects and similar components, you may notice its reappearance right after rebooting your computer. You had to make some errors to receive this pest. To avoid such infiltration, you should be careful while browsing online. is leaked to the developers of PDFSpark/search.php plug-in and their affiliates. Simply scan your system with a reliable antivirus tool and it will take care of the virus for you.

How to remove PDFSpark redirects from the system?

All of the above leads to one simple conclusion – you need to remove PDFSpark right now and then scan your PC with Anti-Malware Tool free scanner for other potential infections. Keep in mind that most of the free programs commonly promote third-party software; You should be more careful with the latter downloads and always look at their Terms and Agreements. It is given just below. You should remove PDFSparkBrowser virus, but not only. That’s why for PDFSpark removal we recommend using an automated tool.

PDFSpark Behavior

  • Steals or uses your Confidential Data
  • PDFSpark Deactivates Installed Security Software.
  • Distributes itself through pay-per-install or is bundled with third-party software.
  • Integrates into the web browser via the PDFSpark browser extension
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slows internet connection

PDFSpark effected Windows OS versions

  • Windows 8 25% 
  • Windows 7 26% 
  • Windows Vista 13% 
  • Windows XP 36% 

Warning, multiple anti-virus scanners have detected possible malware in PDFSpark.

Anti-Virus SoftwareVersionDetection
VIPRE Antivirus22224MalSign.Generic
K7 AntiVirus9.179.12403Unwanted-Program ( 00454f261 )
Kingsoft AntiVirus2013.4.9.267Win32.Troj.Generic.a.(kcloud)
Download Removal Toolto remove PDFSpark

PDFSpark Geography

Remove PDFSpark from Windows

Remove PDFSpark from Windows XP:

  1. Drag mouse cursor to the left of the Task Bar and click Start to open a menu.
  2. Open the Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs. win-xp-control-panel PDFSpark
  3. Remove the undesirable application.

Remove PDFSpark from Windows Vista or Windows 7:

  1. Click the Start menu icon on the Task Bar and select Control Panel. win7-control-panel PDFSpark
  2. Select Uninstall a program and locate the undesirable application
  3. Right-click the application you want to delete and select Uninstall.

Remove PDFSpark from Windows 8:

  1. Right-click on the Metro UI screen, select All apps and then Control Panel. win8-control-panel-search PDFSpark
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and right-click the application you want to delete.
  3. Select Uninstall.

Remove PDFSpark from Your Browsers

Remove PDFSpark from Internet Explorer

  • Go for Alt+T and click on Internet Options.
  • In this section, move to the 'Advanced' tab and then click on the 'Reset' button. reset-ie PDFSpark
  • Navigate to the 'Reset Internet Explorer settings' → then to 'Delete personal settings' and press on 'Reset' option.
  • After this, click on 'Close' and go for OK to have modifications saved.
  • Click on the tabs Alt+T and go for Manage Add-ons. Move to Toolbars and Extensions and here, get rid of the unwanted extensions. ie-addons PDFSpark
  • Click on Search Providers and set any page as your new search tool.

Delete PDFSpark from Mozilla Firefox

  • As you have your browser opened, type in about:addons in the shown URL field. firefox-extensions PDFSpark
  • Move through Extensions and Addons list, delete the items having something in common with PDFSpark (or those which you may find unfamiliar). If the extension is not provided by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, Oracle or Adobe, you should be almost sure you have to erase it.
  • Then, reset Firefox by doing this: move to Firefox ->Help (Help in menu for OSX users) -> Troubleshooting Information. Finally,Reset Firefox. firefox_reset PDFSpark

Terminate PDFSpark from Chrome

  • In the displayed URL field, type in chrome://extensions. extensions-chrome PDFSpark
  • Take a look at the provided extensions and take care of those which you find unnecessary (those related to PDFSpark) by deleting it. If you do not know whether one or another must be deleted once and for all, disable some of them temporarily.
  • Then, restart PDFSpark
  • Optionally, you may type in chrome://settings in URL bar, move to Advanced settings, navigate to the bottom and choose Reset browser settings.
Download Removal Toolto remove PDFSpark

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